Lack of Checks and Balances
With no formal quality control systems or checks on power, the brothers were not held accountable for their decisions.
Dual Roles in Government
The brothers held more concentrated power in the United States government than any other close relatives in American history, so they did not include other leaders in their affairs.
"Their intimacy rendered discussion and debate unnecessary... Without consulting anyone other than the president, the brothers could mobilize the full power of the United States anywhere in the world."
- Stephen Kinzer, foreign correspondent
- Stephen Kinzer, foreign correspondent
Internal Controls - CIA
"Once having been conceived, the final approval given to any [CIA] project can, at best, be described as proforma."
- Robert A. Lovett, former Secretary of Defense
- Robert A. Lovett, former Secretary of Defense
Excerpt from the Bruce-Lovett report to the CIA, 1956. Click here for the full report.
"This was a grave decision to have made. It involved tremendous risk. Surely it deserved thorough examination, the closest consideration, somewhere at the very highest level. It had not received such thought at this meeting."
- CIA Director of Near East Operations Kermit Roosevelt, on Operation AJAX
- CIA Director of Near East Operations Kermit Roosevelt, on Operation AJAX
External Controls - State Department
"There are indications of the need in Washington for a better centralized arrangement for the... control of [CIA] operations than exists"
- Coyne Report to the CIA, 1961
- Coyne Report to the CIA, 1961
President Eisenhower
President Eisenhower was an enabler for the Dulles brothers' ambitions, and he often deferred his diplomatic power to Foster Dulles.
"The [coup] was under way, even though... Mr. Eisenhower had yet to give his final approval."
- James Risen, Pulitzer prize winning journalist
- James Risen, Pulitzer prize winning journalist
"Eisenhower deferred to [Foster] Dulles in the matters of Iran...He knew little about [Iran], and he was impressed by the breadth of Dulles's knowledge." |